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Welcome to CORE's Learning Platform
CORE offers free self-paced courses, webinars, virtual practicums, and more, to help anyone deliver effective Cultural Orientation to refugees, SIV holders, Afghan Parolees, and other newcomers.
Register for the platform
1. Click "Sign Up" in the upper right-hand corner
2. Submit the registration information
3. In your email, find "Welcome to COResource exchange"
4. Click on the blue "Confirm your account" link
Learn about topics like:
The Refugee Resettlement Journey
Adult Learning Principles in CO
Working Effectively with Interpreters
...and more!
“At the beginning of 2021, I was greatly empowered by CORE's technical assistance to deliver CO effectively and accurately."
- CO Provider
"CORE's resources, webinars, and training have helped me to improve my skills and knowledge on delivering more effective CO."
- CO Provider
Need Help?
The CORE team is here for you.